Bay - Height/ Weight, 2m2

Room Code BHW-2-I
Net Room Area Briefed 2
Hours of Operation 24 Hours
Occupancy N/A
Description / Special Requirements An open bay for measuring patients' height and weight either standing, sitting or in a wheelchair. The type of weighing scales and circulation space required will depend on service provision. Special design requirements: - The bay should be deep enough to ensure weighing scales do not impede corridor circulation. Additional area will be required for the provision of seated scales or wheelchair scales. - Provision of appropriately located power outlets will be required.
Amendment 27.07.2015 - First draft 04.03.2016 Document co-ordination

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
6025 Cornice Aluminium Powdercoat shadow line
5060 Ceiling Acoustic Prefinished Drop-in tiles, 600x1200 mm or consistent with the adjacent corridor
1000 Floor finish Vinyl Standard slip resistant Seamless, coved or consistent with the adjacent corridor
2000 Skirting Vinyl Prefinished Floor vinyl coved, 150mmH or consistent with the adjacent corridor
3000 Wall finish Paint Acrylic, washable
4020 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Crash rail at 900 AFFL as required
4031 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Corner guards to 1500 AFFL as required. Align height with other corridor elements

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
6192 Stadiometer Furniture/Fitting 2 1
7400 Trolley: equipment Furniture/ Fitting 3 1 as required

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks
19750 Scales: electronic, standing 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ chair scales may be provided as required


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
5000 Airconditioning HVAC consistent with adjacent area
2189 General LED Lighting consistent with adjacent area
2577 PO: Double Power 1
1005 Voice / Data outlet: single Communications 1 as required