Dental Workroom, 12m2

Room Code DENW-12-I
Net Room Area Briefed 12
Hours of Operation 8am to 6 pm daily
Occupancy 1 - 2
Description / Special Requirements The Dental Workroom provides facilities and equipment for dental technicians to make adjustments to dentures or other dental prosthetics, for polishing dentures, for preparing plaster mouldsand to store prosthetic supplies. The Dental Workroom is provided where manufacture of dentures is undertaken in a larger Dental Laboratory located remotely from the unit and only minor adjustments required within the dental unit. Natural light is desirable. Lighting shoud be colour corrected to ensure good colour matching where necessary. Special Design Requirements: - Air exhaust for dust producing equipment eg.grinders may be required Sound attenuation high: Acoustic privacy required
Amendment 24.10.2010 First Draft 02.05.2011 FF & FE, Description & Remarks updated 04.01.2017 Updated Fabric, FF & Services 03.09.2023 RDS reviewed

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
3000 Wall finish Paint Acrylic, washable
5010 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint, washable Flush set, suspended
1020 Floor finish Vinyl, non-slip Safety Seamless, coved
3060 Wall finish Vinyl Prefinished Splashback other smooth impervious finish also acceptable
5007 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint Bulkhead
8040 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC To door frame
7001 Windows desirable
2767 Cornice Plasterboard Paint Square set
2000 Skirting Vinyl Prefinished Floor vinyl coved, 150mmH
8010 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC Protection plate to 900mm AFFL
9006 Doors Solid Core/ Safety glass Paint Single leaf, observation panel 920mm clear opening

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
1010 Bench: stainless steel Metalwork 1 1 with wet edge, to 2 sides of room, cupboards & drawers under, open under part
3060 Cupboard: drawer unit, special Furniture/ Fitting 1 2 under benches, wide narrow drawers for dental parts
4410 Cupboard: under bench Furniture/ Fitting 1 3 under wall benches & island bench
4460 Cupboard: wall mounted Furniture/ Fitting 1 2 over wall benches, adjustable shelves
6152 Dispenser: disposable glove Furniture/ Fitting 2 1
6154 Dispenser: paper/ hand towel Furniture/ Fitting 2 1 to basin
6158 Dispenser: soap antiseptic Furniture/ Fitting 2 1 to basin
6163 Dispenser: mask Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
6579 Bench: stainless steel, fixed Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 optional, island bench, cupboards under
21700 Stool: adjustable, mobile, high Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
9422 Dental: pressure pot MEQ - Dental 3 1 on bench; quantity to suit service requirements
10061 Waste bin: General, 20 Litres Furniture/ Fitting 3 1

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks
2800 Basin: handwash, Type B 1 1 ___ ___ yes ___ yes yes yes ___
40300 Plaster trap 1 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ yes ___ under sink
40404 Tapware: sensor 1 1 yes ___ yes yes yes ___ ___ ___ straight spout
40405 Tapware: sink mixer 1 1 ___ ___ yes yes yes ___ ___ ___ provide hot & cold water, to basin
47800 Sink, SS: single in bench 1 1 ___ ___ yes opt opt yes yes ___
30287 Dental: model trimmer 1 1 on bench next to the sink; quantity to suit service requirements
8752 Dental: lathe, polishing 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ inside the exhaust hood
8826 Bunsen burner: electric 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ on bench; natural gas or electric; quantity to suit service requirements
8871 Ultrasonic cleaning system: benchtop, 45L 3 1 yes ___ yes yes ___ ___ yes ___ on bench; quantity to suit service requirements
9618 Dental: wax heater 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ on bench; quantity to suit service requirements
9620 Dental: vacuum mixer 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ on bench; quantity to suit service requirements
10070 Dental: laboratory workstation 2 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ yes includes micromotor and magnifying light; quantity to suit service requirements
10259 Dental: ceramic furnace 3 1 yes opt ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ inside the exhaust hood
10266 Dental: thermoforming unit 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ on bench; quantity to suit service requirements
30285 Dental: plaster dispenser 3 1 on bench; quantity to suit service requirements
30286 Dental: laboratory, fume hood 3 1 over dental processing equipment; quantity to suit service requirements


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
1006 Voice / Data outlet: double Communications 4 4- bench
4010 Cold water: outlet Hydraulics 2 1- model trimmer; 1- ultrasonic cleaner
4033 Floor waste Hydraulics 1
5000 Airconditioning HVAC
5035 Special exhaust: hood HVAC 1 1- exhaust hood
7022 Compressed air Medical Gases 6 1- dental workstation; 1- model trimmer; 4- walls
6055 Special: task light, built in Lighting under O/H cupboards
2576 PO: Cleaner Power 1
2242 General LED: colour corrected Lighting
2724 Direct connection: Emergency power Power 1 for sensor operated tapware
2578 PO: Emergency power, double Power 3 1- dental workstation; 1- exhaust hood; 1- ultrasonic cleaner
4030 Drainage Hydraulics 1 1- ultrasonic cleaner
4000 Hot water: outlet Hydraulics 1 1- ultrasonic cleaner (optional)
2578 PO: Emergency power, double Power 4 4- bench