Ensuite - Accessible

Room Code ENS-ACC-I
Net Room Area Briefed 7
Hours of Operation 24 Hours
Occupancy 1 patient; 1-2 staff assisting
Description / Special Requirements The Accessible Ensuite for use by a disabled patient to wash, shave, groom themselves, shower and use the toilet, either independently or with assistance. The room shall comply with local Authority requirements for wheelchair accessible rooms. The area and layout must accommodate an assisting nurse and a shower commode. The Ensuite should accommodate mobile lifting equipment in the event of a patient fall. Acoustics: sound attenuation level - High. Acoustic privacy required. Additional design requirements: - The shower floor must not have a raised hob - The entrance is to be flush with the adjoining floor - The door is to be fitted with escape hardware Body protected electrical area
Amendment 23.10.2014 First Draft

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
8010 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC Protection plate to 900mm AFFL
8040 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC To door frame optional
1175 Floor finish Tiles Non-slip Ceramic vinyl also acceptable
2145 Skirting Tiles To match floor Coved or coved floor vinyl skirting
3080 Wall finish Tiles Glazed Full height vinyl also acceptable
5023 Ceiling Plasterboard Prefinished Water resistant, drop in tiles, 600x1200 mm
6030 Cornice Aluminium Powdercoat 24mm shadow angle
9110 Doors Solid Core Paint 1 1/2 leaf 1200mm clear outward opening, privacy latch, emergency release; sliding door is acceptable

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
3054 Waste bin: general, 30 Litre Furniture/ Fitting 3 1 to basin
3400 Coathook Metalwork 1 2
4800 Curtain track: shower Metalwork 1 1
5300 Curtain: shower Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
6152 Dispenser: disposable glove Furniture/ Fitting 2 1
6154 Dispenser: paper/ hand towel Furniture/ Fitting 2 1 to basin
6156 Dispenser: soap Furniture/ Fitting 2 2 1 to basin; 1 to shower (optional)
6160 Dispenser: toilet paper Furniture/ Fitting 1 1
8420 Grab rail: WC, disabled use Metalwork 1 1 wrap around behind toilet
8450 Grab rail: Shower Metalwork 1 1 combined with hand held shower
13700 Mirror Metalwork 1 1 over basin
19100 Waste bin: sanitary Furniture/ Fitting 3 1 optional
20050 Shower seat: fold up Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 as required for accessible shower
20650 Soap/ shampoo holder Furniture/ Fitting 1 1
23700 Towel rail Metalwork 1 1 with grab rail strength and fixings

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks
3003 Bidet handset 1 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ yes yes ___ ___ near toilet
55650 Toilet suite: accessible 1 1 ___ ___ yes ___ ___ yes yes ___ With backrest as required; concealed cistern optional
5605 Basin: handwash, accessible 1 1 ___ ___ yes ___ yes yes yes ___ With integral shelf for patient belongings or separate shelf; Tapware: mixer, fixture mounted
47400 Shower: hand-held 1 1 ___ ___ yes ___ yes yes yes ___ Tapware: mixer, wall mounted, shower


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
4033 Floor waste Hydraulics 1
8080 Emergency call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
2577 PO: Double Power 1
5019 Exhaust HVAC
2189 General LED Lighting sensor light optional
9040 Body protected Power
5015 Ventilation HVAC
1951 Staff assist call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
8000 Patient to Staff call Nurse Call 2 + indicator button & light; 1-shower, 1-toilet
1983 General fluorescent: downlights Lighting over basin