Feeding Room - 2 Persons

Room Code FEED-2P-I
Net Room Area Briefed 7
Hours of Operation 24 Hours
Occupancy Up to 2 mothers & 2 visitor/ staff
Description / Special Requirements The Feeding Room provides an area for mothers to feed babies with staff assistance as required or to express breast milk. The Feeding Room will be located adjacent to the General Nursery with ready access to the Formula Room.The room will be used for feeding of neonates with or without nursing staff assistance, and expressing of breast milk in privacy. Room privacy including privacy latches and screening will be required and a handbasin will be located in close proximity. Acoustics: Sound attenuation medium, acoustic protection required Body Protected electrical area
Amendment 24.10.2010 First draft 02.05.2011 Fabric updated 14.01.2016 Description & Services updated 26.05.2023 RDS reviewed 06.09.2023 RDS reviewed

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
3000 Wall finish Paint Acrylic, washable
4159 Cornice Aluminium Powdercoat Angle flush against wall, in line with ceiling grid
9001 Doors Solid Core Paint Single leaf 920mm clear opening; privacy latch, lockable
1000 Floor finish Vinyl Standard slip resistant Seamless, coved
5062 Ceiling Acoustic Prefinished Drop-in tiles, 600x600 mm
8040 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC To door frame
2000 Skirting Vinyl Prefinished Floor vinyl coved, 150mmH
8010 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC Protection plate to 900mm AFFL
9004 Doors Solid Core/ Glass Paint Single leaf, observation panel to formula room 920mm clear opening, Privacy latch, lockable.

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
350 Artwork Furniture/ Fitting 3 1 optional
2000 Chair: lounge Furniture/ Fitting 3 2
2655 Chair: visitor Furniture/ Fitting 3 2 optional
4700 Curtain track: privacy screen Metalwork 1 2 to entry door
5250 Curtain: privacy screen Furniture/ Fitting 3 2 to entry door
22800 Table: low Furniture/ Fitting 3 2
3400 Coathook Metalwork 1 2

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
1006 Voice / Data outlet: double Communications 2
5000 Airconditioning HVAC
2189 General LED Lighting
9040 Body protected Power
8010 Staff/ Nurse assist call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
8000 Patient to Staff call Nurse Call 2 + indicator button & light
8080 Emergency call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
2577 PO: Double Power 2