Hydrotherapy Pool Locker Bay

Room Code HYDLK-I
Net Room Area Briefed 4
Hours of Operation 7am to 8pm, daily
Occupancy 1 - 2 intermittently
Description / Special Requirements Recessed bay on the pool concourse to accommodate lockers for storage of personal property. A bench seat may be provided under the lockers. Lockers need to be lockable and withstand moisture.
Amendment 24.10.10, - First Draft 02.05.11, - FF remarks updated

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
5040 Ceiling Fibre cement Paint, washable Flush set, suspended
3000 Wall finish Paint Acrylic, washable
6025 Cornice Aluminium Powdercoat shadow line
4030 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Corner guards to 900AFFL as required
1175 Floor finish Tiles Non-slip Ceramic
2145 Skirting Tiles To match floor Coved

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
1000 Bench seat Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 under lockers; moisture resistant; optional
12509 Locker: 2 tier Furniture/ Fitting 3 8 16 compartments; lockable; on bench seat or plinth; moisture resistant

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
5000 Airconditioning HVAC as for pool concourse
2189 General LED Lighting