Lounge/ Dining - Super VIP, 26m2

Room Code LD-SVIP-26-I
Net Room Area Briefed 26
Hours of Operation 24 Hours
Occupancy Up to 20
Description / Special Requirements An area for patients to have meals away from the bedroom environment. The Lounge/Dining area may also be used by super VIP families and other visitors to a Super VIP area to wait in comfort prior to or during visits to a Super VIP Unit. The room will require facilities for a range of occupants including adults and children, both able-bodied and disabled. An external outlook is desirable. The Lounge/Dining - Super VIP should be located in close proximity to other Super VIP facilities.
Amendment 23.12.2024 First Draft

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
9001 Doors Solid Core Paint Single leaf 920mm clear opening,to Family/ Carer Room; sliding; optional
4031 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Corner guards to 1500mm AFFL as required; other heights also acceptable as per project standardisation
7001 Windows desirable
1088 Skirting Timber Paint 150mmH x 20mm thick nominal MDF also acceptable; or stone if stone/ marble is used
5010 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint, washable Flush set, suspended decorative
5007 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint Bulkhead
1144 Floor finish Carpet Synthetic Carpet tiles polished stone/ marble tiles also acceptable
2767 Cornice Plasterboard Paint Square set
3057 Wall finish Vinyl Prefinished Vinyl wall paper full height
5005 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint Coffered, special optional

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
350 Artwork Furniture/ Fitting 3 2
1252 Blind: Venetian integral Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 to external window; curtain/drapes, roller or vertical blinds also acceptable
1492 Cabinet: coat/shoes valet Furniture/ Fitting 1 1
1700 Chair: dining Furniture/ Fitting 3 6
3811 Ottoman seating Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
4391 Cupboard: special Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 built-in entertainment cabinet
22800 Table: low Furniture/ Fitting 3 2
23000 Table: dining Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
12750 Lounge: 2 seat Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
4420 Cupboard: under bench, lockable Furniture/ Fitting 1 1
4440 Cupboard: drawer unit, lockable Furniture/ Fitting 1 1
2909 Bracket: television Furniture/ Fitting 1 1

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks
3031 Television: flat screen 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ wall mounted
30360 Lamp: table 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
1006 Voice / Data outlet: double Communications 2 1 on wall; 1 in entertainment cabinet
2559 IPTV Communications 1
5000 Airconditioning HVAC
2189 General LED Lighting
6030 Special: downlights Lighting
6045 Wall washers Lighting
6046 Indirect lighting Lighting
2577 PO: Double Power 3 2 - entertainment cabinet; 1 - wall
2576 PO: Cleaner Power 1 as required
6035 Special: decorative Lighting may include chandelier or pendant lighting
2582 PO: Single Power 1 TV