Store - Sterile Stock, 40m2

Room Code STSS-40-I
Net Room Area Briefed 40
Hours of Operation 24 Hours
Occupancy 1 - 2 intermittently
Description / Special Requirements A room for storage and holding of sterile stock for use in the Operating Suite or other treatment areas. This area may incorporate a workstation and cupboards as required. Sterile stock should be stored in dust free shelving which may include static shelving, mobile shelving or compactus. Shelving used should have a smooth finish to avoid damage to sterilised packs. Structural Engineer's advice should be sought if compactus is to be used (floor load bearing capacity and potential deflection effect on walls, doors, etc). The size and number/ type of shelving may be adapted to suit project specific requirements. Special Design Considerations: - The workstation area may include facilities for instrument scanning and tracking systems - The arrangement and type of shelving should allow for adequate circulation, easy cleaning and rotation of stock - Shelving should comply with relevant OH&S and Ergonomics Regulations and Guidelines - Install compactus units according to manufacturer's specifications.
Amendment 24.10.2010 First Draft 21.04.2011 Room Description modified 07.07.2015 Description, Fabric, FF and FE modified 24.06.2019 Room name, room code & room area updated 21.09.2022 General updates done 24.05.2023 RDS reviewed

Fabric and outline specifications

ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
1000 Floor finish Vinyl Standard slip resistant Seamless, coved
4020 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Crash rail at 900mm AFFL where required
8010 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC Protection plate to 900mm AFFL
9006 Doors Solid Core/ Safety glass Paint Single leaf, observation panel 920mm clear opening, lockable
2000 Skirting Vinyl Prefinished Floor vinyl coved, 150mmH
8040 Door protection Composite Prefinished PVC To door frame
6015 Cornice Plasterboard Paint Flush coved between wall & ceiling
3010 Wall finish Paint Scrub resistant
5020 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint, scrub resistant Flush set, suspended
4031 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Corner guards to 1500mm AFFL where required
2869 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint, Scrub Resistant Bulkhead

Fittings and Furniture (FF)

ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
1120 Bench: workstation Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 standing height, optional
1950 Chair: ergonomic, high Furniture/ Fitting 3 1 to workstation bench, optional
4460 Cupboard: wall mounted Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 optional-over workstation, adjustable shelves
8873 Shelving: stainless steel, wire mesh, mobile MEQ - Sterilisation 3 31 dust free, static shelving, mobile shelving or compactus
8620 Trolley: instrument MEQ - Furniture 3 3 for set-up

Fixtures, Equipment and associated Services (FE)

ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks
2540 Barcode tracking system 3 1 yes yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ optional
10132 Clock: master clock 3 1 yes opt ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
54510 Telephone: handset, standard 3 1 ___ yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to bench or wall mounted
11400 Computer: PC & monitor 3 1 yes yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
1006 Voice / Data outlet: double Communications 1 to bench, computer
5005 Air conditioning: special HVAC HEPA filtered
5040 Pressure: positive HVAC
2189 General LED Lighting
6055 Special: task light, built in Lighting optional-under O/H cupboards, to workstation
2577 PO: Double Power 5 2- bench; 3- wall
1080 Clock: master clock Communications 1 battery/ POE/ electrical connection TBC
1005 Voice / Data outlet: single Communications 1 telephone