Patient Bay - Non Acute Treatment, 12m2

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Online Room Data Sheet
Room Code PBTR-NA-12-I
Net Room Area Briefed 12
Hours of Operation 24 Hours
Occupancy 1 patient; 1 - 2 staff intermittently
Description / Special Requirements A Patient Bed Bay used for assessment and treatment of patients with non acute conditions. The Patient Bay will have close access to a staff handwashing basin. Body Protected electrical area
Amendment 29.01.2025 First Draft
ID Fabric Material Finish Specification Selection Remarks
3092 Wall protection MDF Laminate Bed protection wall panel
4020 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Crash rail at 900mm AFFL as required
1000 Floor finish Vinyl Standard slip resistant Seamless, coved
4031 Wall protection Composite Prefinished PVC Corner guards to 1500mm AFFL as required; other heights also acceptable as per project standardisation
3000 Wall finish Paint Acrylic, washable
2000 Skirting Vinyl Prefinished Floor vinyl coved, 150mmH
5010 Ceiling Plasterboard Paint, washable Flush set, suspended
6025 Cornice Aluminium Powdercoat shadow line
1253 Observation Alum/ Toughened glass Powdercoat Internal window, double glazed
ID Description Category Group Qty Selection / Remarks
8291 Air flowmeter MEQ - General 3 1 to services panel
8297 Bracket: suction bottle MEQ - General 2 1
8404 Bracket: sharps disposal MEQ - General 2 1 wall mounted
2650 Chair: visitor, patient Furniture/ Fitting 3 1 optional
4600 Curtain track: bed screen Metalwork 1 1
5000 Curtain: bed screen Furniture/ Fitting 3 1
6152 Dispenser: disposable glove Furniture/ Fitting 2 1
10700 IV hanger for ceiling track Metalwork 1 1 optional, if IV track installed
11200 IV track: ceiling mounted Metalwork 1 1 optional
8309 Oxygen flowmeter MEQ - General 3 1 to services panel
19800 Shelf: laminate Furniture/ Fitting 1 1 for equipment, optional
8318 Suction adapter MEQ - General 3 1 to services panel
8321 Suction bottle MEQ - General 3 1 on bracket
8982 Stretcher: procedure/ recovery MEQ - Furniture 3 1
8306 IV pole: mobile MEQ - General 3 1
9117 Sharps disposal: wall mounted, 7L MEQ - General 2 1
8605 Waste bin: clinical, 20 litres MEQ - Furniture 3 1
1252 Blind: Venetian integral Furniture/ Fitting 1 1
ID Description Grp Qty Ele Data CdW HtW WmW Tap Dns Gas Selection / Remarks
8542 Light: examination, single, ceiling mounted 1 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ optional
8746 Diagnostic set: wall mounted 3 1 yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ optional
8989 Infusion pump: single channel 3 1 yes opt ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
ID Description Service Category Qty Selection / Remarks
1006 Voice / Data outlet: double Communications 1 patient services panel
5000 Airconditioning HVAC
6001 General: colour corrected Lighting
6030 Special: downlights Lighting over bed/ trolley
7000 Oxygen (O2) Medical Gases 1 patient services panel
7020 Medical Air (MA) Medical Gases 1 patient services panel
7040 Suction Medical Gases 1 patient services panel
8000 Patient to Staff call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
8005 Patient call handset Nurse Call 1 call button on the handset
8010 Staff/ Nurse assist call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
8080 Emergency call Nurse Call 1 + indicator button & light
2582 PO: Single Power 3 patient services panel
2579 PO: Emergency power, single Power 3 patient services panel
9040 Body protected Power
11000 Wall panel Services Panels 1
2233 Direct connection: Emergency power Power 1 to exam light
2582 PO: Single Power 2 1- diagnostic set; 1- at low level next to stretcher
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