Standard Components

Standard Components are a core aspect of iHFG – International Health Facility Guidelines. These components provide detailed information on the most common rooms and spaces which are found in health facilities. Each component is comprised of a Room Data Sheet (RDS) and Room Layout Sheet (RLS).

Room Data Sheets (RDS’s) represent the detailed briefing requirements of individual room types. Some RDS’s provide options for certain elements such as materials. If an external document refers to these RDS’s, without qualifying the choice of options, then the default options will prevail. In case of any discrepancy between various documents, the RDS’s will take precedence.

Room layout sheets (RLS) present with the physical arrangement of these items in the standard room and often are accompanied by Autodesk Revit or AutoCAD documents to assist the design process.

To gain an insight into how a set of Standard Components can be best used to design a health facility please refer to Part B: Health Facility Briefing and Design.

Name Code
1 Bed Room - Bariatric, 20m2 1BR-BA-20-I
1 Bed Room - Standard, 15m2 1BR-ST-15-I
1 Bed Room - Standard, 16.5m2 1BR-ST-16.5-I
1 Bed Room - Standard, 18m2 1BR-ST-18-I
1 Bed Room - Large, 30m2 1BR-LG-30-I
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Positive Pressure, 18m2 1BR-IS-P-18-I
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Positive Pressure, 28m2 1BR-IS-P-28-I
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Negative Pressure, 18m2 1BR-IS-N-18-I
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Negative Pressure, 28m2 1BR-IS-N-28-I
1 Bed Room - Mental Health, 18m2 1BR-MH-18-I
1 Bed Room - Mental Health, 28m2 1BR-MH-28-I
1 Bed Room - Special, 18m2 1BR-SP-18-I
1 Bed Room - Special, 30m2 1BR-SP-A-30-I
1 Bed Room - Special, CCU, 20m2 1BR-CCU-20-I
1 Bed Room - Special, CCU, 25m2 1BR-CCU-25-I
1 Bed Room - Special, CCU, 30m2 1BR-CCU-30-I
1 Bed Room - High Dependency, 20m2 1BR-HDU-20-I
1 Bed Room - Intensive Care, 25m2 1BR-ICU-25-I
1 Bed Room - Super VIP, 53m2 1BR-SVIP-53-I
1 Bed Room - VIP, 36m2 1BR-VIP-36-I
2 Bed Room - Standard, 25m2 2BR-ST-25-I
2 Bed Room - Standard, 30m2 2BR-ST-30-I
2 Bed Room - Mental Health, 30m2 2BR-MH-30-I
4 Bed Room - Standard, 42m2 4BR-ST-42-I
4 Bed Room - Standard, 49m2 4BR-ST-49-I
6 Bed Room - Standard, 44m2 6BR-ST-44-I
6 Bed Room - Standard, 75m2 6BR-ST-75-I
4 Bed Room - Standard, 60m2 4BR-ST-60-I
Ablution Room (Prayer Room) ABLU-I
ADL Bathroom ADLB-I
ADL Dining Room ADLD-I
ADL Kitchen - Enclosed ADLK-ENC-I
ADL Laundry, 8m2 ADLL-8-I
ADL Kitchen - Open Bay ADLK-OP-I
After Hours Drug Store, 4m2 AHDR-4-I
After Hours Blood Fridge AHBBF-I
Airlock, 6m2 AIRL-6-I
Airlock - Entry, 6m2 AIRLE-6-I
Airlock - Entry, 10m2 AIRLE-10-I
Airlock - Entry, 12m2 AIRLE-12-I
Ambulance Triage AMBTR-I
Anaesthetic Induction Room ANIN-I
Anaesthetic Store ANST-I
Anaesthetic Workroom ANWM-I
Angiography Procedure Room ANPR-I
Angiography Control/ Reporting Room ANCRT-I
Anteroom ANRM-I
Angiography Sterile Store/ Set-up ANSS-I
Assembly/ Collation/ Coding, 35m2 ASSCO-I
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Negative Pressure, 18m2 1BR-IS-N-18-I
Dental Imaging Room DENI-16-I
Laser Imager LASI-I
Dining Room (Mental Health) DINMH-I
Goods Receipt - Pharmacy, 20m2 GRE-20-I
Computer Equipment Room,12m2 COEQ-12-I
Command Center COMC-30-I
Communications Room - Server COMM-S-I
Viewing and Reporting, 16m2 VR-16-I
1 Bed Room - Bariatric, 30m2 1BR-BA-30-I
Holding Room (Bodies) BODY-H-I
Clean Utility, 10m2 CLUR-10-I
Interview - Cubicle INTC-I
Interview Room - Small INTS-I
Mortuary - Autopsy Room MOR-AU-I
Patient Bay - High Dependency, 16m2 PB-HDU-16-I
Assembly/ Preparation (Pharmacy), 30m2 ASPR-30-I
Audiology Testing Room AUDIO-I
Bay - ATM, 2m2 BATM-2-I
Bay - Cleaning, 18m2 (Patient Transport) BCL-18-I
Bay - Drinking Fountain,1m2 BDF-1-I
Bay - Equipment Park, 10m2 BEQP-10-I
Bay - Equipment Park, 15m2 BEQP-15-I
Bay - Equipment Park, 20m2 BEQP-20-I
Bay - Flowers, Open Plan BFLW-OP-I
Bay - Flowers, Enclosed BFLW-ENC-I
Bay - Height/ Weight, 2m2 BHW-2-I
Bay - Meal Trolley, 4m2 BMT-4-I
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 2.5m2 BMEQ-2.5-I
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 6m2 BMEQ-6-I
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 10m2 BMEQ-10-I
Bay - Public Telephone, 2m2 BT-2-I
Bay - Storage, 1m2 BS-1-I
Bay - Storage, 3m2 BS-3-I
Bay - Storage, 4m2 BS-4-I
Bay - Utility, 1.5m2 BUT-1.5-I
Bay - Utility, 2m2 BUT-2-I
Bay - Vending Machines, 5m2 BVM-5-I
Bay - Wheelchair Park, 8m2 BWC-8-I
Birthing Room - LDR BIRM-I
Calibration / Testing Shop CAL-TEST-30-I
Cashier CASH-9-I
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 10m2 CHST-10-I
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 14m2 CHST-14-I
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 25m2 CHST-25-I
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 35m2 CHST-35-I
Change - Staff, Female, 40m2 CHST-F-G-I
Change - Staff, Male, 40m2 CHST-M-G-I
Cleaner's Room, 10m2 CLRM-10-I
Clean-Up Room, 12m2 CLUP-12-I
Clean-Up Room - Shared, 15m2 CLUP-15-I
Coffee Shop - Seating/ Dining, 30m2 COFS-D-30-I
Coffee Shop - Preparation COFS-P-I
Coffee Shop - Servery COFS-SERV-I
Coffee Shop - Store, 8m2 COFS-S-8-I
Coffee Shop - Wash-up COFS-W-I
Communications Room, 20m2 COMM-20-I
Computer Room, 20m2 COMM-20-I
Corridor- Clinical Areas CORR-CL-I
Corridor- Non Clinical Areas CORR-NC-I
Corridor- Patient Areas CORR-PA-I
Corridor- Procedural Areas CORR-PR-I
Corridor- Service Areas CORR-SV-I
Dark Room DARK-I
Daylight Processing DPRO-I
Demonstration Room DEM-I
Dental Clean-Up/ Sterilising, 8m2 DENCU-8-I
Dental Clean-Up/ Sterilising, 10m2 DENCU-10-I
Assembly/ Preparation (Pharmacy), 20m2 ASPR-20-I
Audio-visual Room AUDV-I
Bathing/ Examination BAEX-I
Bathroom BATH-I
Bay - ATM, 6m2 BATM-6-I
Bay - Beverage, Enclosed BBEV-ENC-I
Bay - Beverage, Open Plan BBEV-OP-I
Bay - Blanket/ Fluid Warmer, 1m2 BBW-1-I
Bay - Cleaning, 1.5m2 BCL-1.5-I
Bay - Drinks Dispenser, 1m2 BDD-1-I
Bay - Equipment Park, 12m2 BEQP-12-I
Bay - Emergency Shower & Eyewash, 1m2 BESE-1-I
Bay - Handwashing, Type A BHWS-A-I
Bay - Handwashing, Type B BHWS-B-I
Bay - Handwashing, Type C BHWS-C-I
Bay - Handwashing, Type D BHWS-D-I
Bay - Handwashing, PPE BHWS-PPE-I
Blood Collection Bay, 5m2 BLDC-5-I
Blood Collection Work Area BLDCW-I
Blood Checking/ Labelling/ Work Area BLDWK-I
Bay - Linen BLIN-I
Blood Store BLST-I
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 4m2 BMEQ-4-I
Bay - Mobile Equipment (Enclosed), 4m2 BMEQE-4-I
Bay - Pathology, 1m2 BPATH-1-I
Bay - Pathology, 3m2 BPATH-3-I
Bay - PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) BPPE-I
Bay - PTS (Pneumatic Tube System) BPTS-I
Bay - Resuscitation Trolley BRES-I
Bay - Storage, 2m2 BS-2-I
Bay - Storage (Enclosed), 1m2 BSE-1-I
Bay - Utility, 1m2 BUT-1-I
Bay - Vending Machines, 3m2 BVM-3-I
Bay - Wheelchair Park, 4m2 BWC-I
Cashier, 5m2 CASH-5-I
Change - Patient (Male/ Female), 12m2 CHPT-12-I
Change Cubicle - Patient CHPT-2-I
Change Cubicle - Accessible CHPT-D-I
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 12m2 CHST-12-I
Change - Staff (Male/ Female), 20m2 CHST-20-I
Catheter Laboratory Procedure Room CLAB-I
Catheter Lab Control/ Reporting Room CLCRT-I
Clerical Support/ Medical Records CLREC-I
Cleaner's Room, 6m2 CLRM-6-I
Clean Utility/ Medication,12m2 CLUM-12-I
Clean Utility/ Medication, 14m2 CLUM-14-I
Clean Utility/ Medication - Sub, 8m2 CLUM-8-I
Clean-up Room, 7m2 CLUP-7-I
Clean-up Room (Pathology) CLUP-P-I
Clean Utility, 12m2 CLUR-12-I
Clean Utility - Sub, 8m2 CLUR-8-I
Communications Room,12m2 COMM-12-I
Communications Room - ICT COMM-ICT-I
Consult/ Exam Room, 18m2 CONS-18-I
Consult Room - ENT/ Ophthalmology CONS-ENT-OPT-I
Consult/ Exam Room CONS-I
Consult Room - Mental Health CONS-MH-I
Cool Room CORM-I
Computer Training Room COTR-I
CT Scanning - Control Room CTCR-I
CT Scanning - Procedure Room CTPR-I
Cytotoxic Room CYT-I
Dental Clean-up DENCU-8-I
Dental Imaging Room DENI-I
Vital Signs Room VSR-I
Computer Equipment Room, 8m2 COEQ-8-I
Courtyard - Secure CTSE-I
Patient Bay - High Dependency, 24m2 PB-HDU-24-I
Patient Bay - Enclosed, Isolation - Negative Pressure PBHE-IS-N-I
Patient Bay - Enclosed, Isolation - Positive Pressure PBHE-IS-P-I
Patient Bay - Recovery Stage 2, 12m2 PBTR-RS2-12-I
Triage - Nurse RECE-I
Reception/ Clerical, 5m2 RECL-5-I
Respiratory/ Biomedical Workroom REWM-I
Radiotherapy Simulator Room - CT RSIM-CT-I
Radiotherapy Simulator Room - MRI RSIM-MRI-I
Scrub Up, 4m2 SCRB-4-I
Scrub Up, 8m2 SCRB-8-I
Clean-up Room, 10m2 CLUP-10-I
Consult/ Exam Room - ENT CONS-ENT-I
Consult/ Exam Room - Ophthalmology CONS-OPT-I
Consult/ Exam Room, 16m2 CONS-16-I
Dental Workroom, 8m2 DENW-8-I
Dental Surgery, 14m2 DENSR-14-I
Dental Surgery, 16m2 DENSR-16-I
Dental X-Ray Processing DENXR-I
Dining Room (Mental Health), 30m2 DINMH-30-I
Dirty Utility, 10m2 DTUR-10-I
Disposal Room, 5m2 DISP-5-I
Disposal Room, 10m2 DISP-10-I
Endoscopy Procedure Room ENDP-I
Ensuite - Accessible ENS-ACC-I
Ensuite - Birthing Room ENS-BR-I-A
Ensuite - Birthing Room, Alternative ENS-BR-I-B
Equipment Clean-Up, 6m2 ECL-6-I
Equipment Clean-Up, 14m2 ECL-14-I
Equipment Clean-Up, Loan Equipment, 10m2 ECL-LE-10-I
Equipment Clean-Up, Loan Equipment, 12m2 ECL-LE-12-I
Film Processing, Viewing and Reporting FPVR-I
Gamma Camera GCAM-I
Goods Receipt - Pharmacy-5m2 GRE-I
Goods Receipt - Pharmacy-20m2 GRE-I
Hot Laboratory HTLB-I
Hydrotherapy Pool Locker Bay HYDLK-I
Laser Camera LASC-I
Lecture Room, 100m2 LEC-100-I
Library & Study/ Reading Area, 50m2 LSRA-50-I
Lounge - Activities (Mental Health), 55m2 LNAC-55-I
Lounge - Medical Officers, 25m2 LNMO-25-I
Lounge - Medical Officers, 35m2 LNMO-35-I
Lounge - Patient, 10m2 LNPT-10-I
Lounge - Patient, 15m2 LNPT-15-I
Lounge - Patient, 30m2 LNPT-30-I
Meeting Room - Antenatal MEET-AN-I
Meeting Room - Diversional Therapy MEET-DT-I
Meeting Room - Living Skills, 20m2 MEET-LS-20-I
Meeting Room - Living Skills, 30m2 MEET-LS-30-I
Meeting Room - Small, 9m2 MEET-9-I
Meeting Room - Small, 12m2 MEET-12-I
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 15m2 MEET-L-15-I
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 18m2 MEET-L-18-I
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 20m2 MEET-L-20-I
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 25m2 MEET-L-25-I
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 35m2 MEET-L-35-I
Meeting Room - Large, 55m2 MEET-L-55-I
MRI Scanning Room, 47m2 MRI-47-I
Neonatal Bay - Intensive Care NBICU-I
Office - Clinical Workroom OFF-CLW-I
Office - Executive OFF-EXEC-I
Office - Workstation - Shared, 3m2 OFF-WS3-I
Office - Clinical Write-up Bay, 5 m2 OFF-CWI-5-I
Office - Write-up, 6m2 OFF-WI-6-I
Office - Write-up, 3m2 OFF-WI-3-I
Patient Bay - HDU - 20m2 PB-HDU-20-I
Patient Bay - Recovery Stage 1, 9m2 PBTR-RS1-9-I
Patient Chair Bay, 6m2 PBC-6-I
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Dispensing PHCO-DISP-I
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Waiting PHCO-WAIT-I
Play Area - Paediatric, 15m2 PLAP-15-I
Play Area - Paediatric, 20m2 PLAP-20-I
Radiotherapy Simulator Room RAD-SIM-I
Reception/ Clerical, 9m2 RECL-9-I
Reception/ Clerical, 12m2 RECL-12-I
Reception/ Clerical, 20m2 RECL-20-I
Respiratory Workroom REWM-I
Screening Room (Fluoroscopy) SCRN-I
Scrub Up / Gowning, 8m2 SCRB-8-I
Staff Room, 18m2 SRM-18-I
Staff Room, 30m2 SRM-30-I
Staff Room, 35m2 SRM-35-I
Staff Station, 10m2 SSTN-10-I
Staff Station, 12m2 SSTN-12-I
Staff Station, 18m2 SSTN-18-I
Store - Bulk, 40m2 STBK-40-I
Store - Crutches STCR-I
Store - Equipment, 6m2 STEQ-6-I
Store - Equipment, 15m2 STEQ-15-I
Store - Equipment, 16m2 STEQ-16-I
Store - Equipment, 25m2 STEQ-25-I
Store - Equipment, 30m2 STEQ-30-I
Store - Equipment, 40m2 STEQ-40-I
Store - Equipment - Super VIP STEQ-SVIP-I
Store - Files, 8m2 STFS-8-I
Store - Files, 20m2 STFS-20-I
Meeting Room - Medium/ Large, 30m2 MEET-L-30-I
Equipment Clean-Up, 8m2 ECL-8-I
Equipment Clean-Up, 12m2 ECL-12-I
Dental Laboratory, 20m2 DENL-20-I
Dental Workroom, 12m2 DENW-12-I
Dining Room/ Beverage Bay (Mental Health), 25m2 DINBEV-25-I
Dining Room (Rehabilitation) DINR-I
Disposal Room, 8m2 DISP-8-I
Drug Information DRI-I
Dirty Utility, 12m2 DTUR-12-I
Dirty Utility, 14m2 DTUR-14-I
Dirty Utility - Sub DTUR-S-I
Echocardiography ECHO-I
Equipment Clean-up, 10m2 ECL-10-I
Equipment Clean-up, Sub Pathology ECL-SP-I
Electronics Laboratory ELAB-I
Ensuite - Bariatric ENS-BA-I
Ensuite - Birthing Room, with Bath ENS-BR-A-I
Ensuite - Birthing Room, with Shower ENS-BR-B-I
Ensuite - Mental Health ENS-MH-I
Ensuite - Super ENS-SP-I
Ensuite - Standard - Additional Access ENS-ST-A-I
Ensuite - Standard ENS-ST-I
Ensuite - VIP ENS-VIP-I
Ensuite - Super VIP ENS-SVIP-I
Ensuite - Visitor ENS-VIS-I
Examination/ Assessment Room - Birthing EXAS-B-I
Examination/ Assessment Room - Mental Health EXAS-MH-I
Family/ Carer Room - Super VIP F-CR-SVIP-I
Feeding Room FEED-I
Fluoroscopy Room FLUO-I
Formula Room FORM-I
Fracture Clinic (Hand & Prosthetics) FRACL-I
Freezer Room FRRM-I
Flash Steriliser, 2m2 FST-2-I
General X-Ray GENXR-I
Goods Receipt - Pharmacy, 6m2 GRE-6-I
Gown-up GW-UP-I
Gown-down GW-DN-I
Gymnasium, 45m2 GYAH-45-I
Gymnasium, Paediatric Therapy GYAH-P-I
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Room - 1 Chamber HBOT-1-I
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Room - 2 Chambers HBOT-2-I
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Room - 4 Chambers HBOT-4-I
Hydrotherapy Pool Store HYDST-I
Hydrotherapy Pool, 75m2 HYDP-75-I
Hydrotherapy Pool Open Shower Area HYDSH-I
Interview Room - Family/ Large INTF-I
IVF / ICSI Laboratory IVF-ICSI-I
Laundry - Hospital LAUN-HO-I
Laundry - Mental Health LAUN-MH-I
Laundry - Patient LAUN-PT-I
Lounge/ Dining - Activites (Mental Health), 20m2 LDA-MH-20-I
Lounge/ Dining - Super VIP LD-SVIP-I
Lecture Room, 75m2 LEC-75-I
Linen Holding - Clean LHO-CL-I
Linen Holding - Soiled LHO-SO-I
Lounge - Activities (Mental Health), 20m2 LNAC-20-I
Lounge - Activities (Mental Health), 30m2 LNAC-30-I
Lounge - Adolescent, 10m2 LNAD-10-I
Lounge - Medical Officers, 20m2 LNMO-20-I
Lounge - Parent, 12m2 LNPA-12-I
Lounge - Patient, 20m2 LNPT-20-I
Lounge - Patient, Chemotherapy LNPT-CM-I
Lounge - Recovery, Stage 2 (Typical Bay) LNPT-RS2-I
Lounge - Patient, Special LNPT-S-I
Loading Dock LODK-I
Library & Study/ Reading Area, 40m2 LSRA-40-I
Multi-Function Activites Room (Mental Health), 20m2 MAC-20-I
Majlis MAJ-30-I
Mammography - Interventional MAM-INT-I
Mammography MAMMO-I
Medication/ Treatment Room - Mental Health MED-MH-I
Medication Room, 10m2 MEDR-10-I
Mould Room - Fitting MLD-FT-I
Mould Room - Workshop MLD-WS-I
Mortuary - Body Washing & Embalming Room MOR-BW-I
Mortuary - Cool Store MOR-CS-I
Mortuary - Clean-up Area MOR-CU-I
Mortuary - Exit Lobby MOR-EX-I
Mortuary - Viewing Room MOR-VR-I
Mortuary - Waiting MOR-W-I
MRI Scanning Room, 42m2 MRI-42-I
MRI Scanning - Control Room MRICR-I
Neonatal Bay - Intensive Care, Enclosed NBICU-E-I
Neonatal Bay - Isolation Room - Negaitive Pressure NB-IS-N-I
Neonatal Bay - Isolation Room - Positive Pressure NB-IS-P-I
Neonatal Bay - Special Care NBSC-I
Observation Room OBS-I
Office - 2 Person Shared OFF-2P-I
Office - 3 Person Shared OFF-3P-I
Office - 4 Person Shared OFF-4P-I
Office - CEO OFF-CEO-I
Office - Clinical/ Handover OFF-CLN-I
Office - Single Person, 12m2 OFF-S12-I
Office - Single Person, 9m2 OFF-S9-I
Office - Write-up, 1m2 OFF-WI-1-I
Office - Write-up (Shared), 12m2 OFF-WIS-I
Office - Workstation OFF-WS-I
Overnight Stay - Bedroom, 10m2 OVBR-10-I
Overnight Stay - Ensuite, 4m2 OVES-4-I
PACS Storage and Viewing PACS-I
Parenting Room, 6m2 PAR-I
Patient Bay - Holding, Enclosed, 12m2 PBHE-12-I
Patient Bay - Acute Treatment, 12m2 PBTR-A12-I
Patient Bay - Holding, 10m2 PBTR-H-10-I
Patient Bay - Non Acute Treatment, 10m2 PBTR-NA-I
Patient Bay - Resuscitation PBTR-R-I
Patient Bay - Recovery Stage 1, 12m2 PBTR-RS1-12-I
PET/ CT Scanning Room PET-CT-I
PET/ CT - Control Room PETCR-I
Pharmacy Counter PHA-CO-I
Physics Laboratory PHLAB-I
Play Area - Paediatric, 10m2 PLAP-10-I
Plaster Room, 14m2 PLST-14-I
Podiatry Treatment, 12m2 PODT-12-I
Prayer Room PRAR-20-I
Preparation Room - Non Sterile (Pharmacy) PREP-I
Preparation/ Set-up Room (Imaging) PREP-S-I
Procedure Room, 20m2 PROC-20-I
Procedure Room, 25m2 PROC-25-I
Property Bay, 2m2 PROP-2-I
Property Bay, 3m2 PROP-3-I
Property Bay, 6m2 PROP-6-I
Pathology Laboratory Module PTHLB-MOD-I
Pantry PTRY-I
Pantry - Super VIP PTRY-SVIP-I
Radiotherapy Bunker Control Room RAD-BCTR-I
Radiotherapy Bunker RAD-BUNK-I
Radiotherapy Treatment Planning RAD-TRP-I
Reception (Emergency), 20m2 REC-E-I
Reception/ Clerical, 10m2 RECL-10-I
Reception/ Clerical, 15m2 RECL-15-I
Scrub Up/ Gowning, 6m2 SCRB-6-I
Scrub Up - Shared SCRBS-I
Seclusion Room SECL-I
Security Room, 10m2 SECR-10-I
Security Room, 14m2 SECR-14-I
Servery/ Trolley Holding (Mental Health) SERV-MH-I
Set-up Room, 8m2 SETUP-8-I
Shower - Decontamination SHDEC-I
Shower - Accessible, 4m2 SHD-I
Shower - Patient SHPT-I
Shower - Staff, 3m2 SHST-3-I
Specimen Collection Bay, 9m2 SPECC-I
SPECT/ CT Scanning Room SPECT-CT-I
SPECT/ CT - Control Room SPECTCR-I
Specimen Reception/ Sort/ Preparation SPREC-I
Staff Room, 15m2 SRM-15-I
Staff Room, 20m2 SRM-20-I
Staff Room, 25m2 SRM-25-I
Staff Station/ Clean Utility SSCU-I
Staff Station, 14m2 SSTN-14-I
Staff Station, 20m2 SSTN-20-I
Staff Station, 5m2 SSTN-5-I
Store - Accountable Drugs STAD-I
Store - Bulk, 20m2 STBK-20-I
Store - Cleaners STCL-I
Store - Chemical STCM-I
Store - Disaster Equipment STDE-I
Store - Drugs STDR-5-I
Store - Equipment, 10m2 STEQ-10-I
Store - Equipment, 14m2 STEQ-14-I
Store - Equipment, 20m2 STEQ-20-I
Store - Flammable Liquid STFL-I
Store - Files, 10m2 STFS-10-I
Viewing and Reporting, 12m2 VR-12-I
Dining Room/ Beverage Bay (Mental Health), 38m2 DINBEV-38-I
Gymnasium, 60m2 GYAH-60-I
Neonatal Bay - General Care NBGC-I
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Courtyard PHCO-CTYD-I
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Dosing PHCO-DOS-I
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Toilet (Patient) PHCO-WCP-I
Set-up Room, 12m2 SETUP-12-I
Set-up Room, 16m2 SETUP-16-I
Store - Drugs, 10m2 STDR-10-I
Dental Sterilising/ Sterile Store DENS-SS-I
Feeding Room - 2 Persons FEED-2P-I
Fluoroscopy Control Room FLUOC-I
Frozen Section FROZ-RM-I
Hot Laboratory - PET HTLB-PET-I
Store - Mould Room ST-MOULD-I
Store - Sterile Stock, 40m2 STSS-40-I
Hydrotherapy Pool, 90m2 HYDP-90-I
Podiatry Treatment, 15m2 PODT-15-I
Store - Gas Bottle, Empty STGB-E-I
Store - Gas Bottle, Full STGB-F-I
Store - General, 4m2 STGN-4-I
Store - General, 5m2 STGN-5-I
Store - General, 6m2 STGN-6-I
Store - General, 9m2 STGN-9-I
Store - General, 10m2 STGN-10-I
Store - General, 12m2 STGN-12-I
Store - General, 16m2 STGN-16-I
Store - General, 30m2 STGN-30-I
Store - Photocopy/ Stationery, 10m2 STPS-10-I
Store - Photocopy/ Stationery, 10m2 STPS-10
Store - Records (Active), 80m2 STRS-80-I
Store - Sterile Stock, 24m2 STSS-24-I
Store - Sterile Stock, 30m2 STSS-30-I
Store - Sterile Stock, 44m2 STSS-44-I
Volunteers Workroom, 20m2 VWR-20-I
Waiting, 25m2 WAIT-25-I
Waiting, 50m2 WAIT-50-I
Waste Compactor/ Recyclables WACO-I
Workshop - Biomedical WS-BM-I
Workshop - Carpentry WK-CA-I
Workshop - Electrical WK-EL-I
Workshop - Mechanical WK-MC-I
Workshop - Mobility Aids WK-PDP-I
Workshop - Plumbing WK-PL-I
Operating Room - CT Control OR-CTCR-I
Operating Room - Cardiac OR-CA-I
Operating Room - General OR-GN-I
Operating Room - Hybrid - CT Scanning OR-HY-CT-I
Operating Room - Hybrid - MRI Scanning OR-HY-MRI-I
Operating Room - Hybrid - Vascular/ Cardiac OR-HY-VS-I
Operating Room - Large OR-LA-I
Operating Room - Minor OR-MS-I
Operating Room - Robotic OR-ROB-I
Operating Room - ENT/ Ophthalmology OR-ENT-OPH-I
Operating Room - Orthopaedic OR-ORTH-I
Operating Room - Transplant OR-TR-I
Operating Room - Neurosurgery OR-NEURO-I
Store - General, 14m2 STGN-14-I
Store - General, 20m2 STGN-20-I
Store - General, 8m2 STGN-8-I
Store - Loan Equipment, 60m2 STLE-60-I
Store - Patient Property STPP-I
Store - Photocopy/ Stationery, 8m2 STPS-8-I
Store - Records (Inactive), 60m2 STRS-60-I
Stress Testing STRT-I
Store - Sterile Stock, 12m2 STSS-12-I
Store - Sterile Stock, 20m2 (CSSU) STSS-20-I
Telephone Operator SWOP-I
Treatment Room TRMT-14-I
Treatment Bay - Chemotherapy TRMT-CHE-I
Treatment Room - Isolation - Renal Dialysis TRMT-IS-RD-I
Treatment Room - Paediatrics TRMT-P-I
Treatment Bay - Renal Dialysis TRMT-RD-I
Treatment Room - Secure Assessment TRSA-I
Ultrasound ULTR-I
Waiting, 10m2 WAIT-10-I
Waiting, 15m2 WAIT-15-I
Waiting, 20m2 WAIT-20-I
Waiting, 30m2 WAIT-30-I
Waiting - Secure WAIT-SEC-I
Waiting - Sub WAIT-SUB-I
Wash-up Room WASH-I
Toilet - Accessible WCAC-I
Toilet - Patient WCPT-I
Toilet - Public, 3m2 WCPU-3-I
Toilet - Staff WCST-I
Workshop - Fitters/ Plumbers WK-FP-I
Workshop - General Maintenance WK-GM-I
Workshop - Prosthetics WK-PRO-I
Welding Booth WLB-I
Workshop/ Store - Gardener WSS-GAR-I
Workshop/ Store - Painters WSS-PT-I
Water Treatment Plant Room WTPL-I
Patient Bay - Intensive Care, 16m2 PBC-16-I
Patient Bay - Intensive Care, 20m2 PBC-20-I
Patient Bay - Intensive Care, 24m2 PBC-24-I
Communications Room - Server COMM-S-I
Bone Densitometry BODEN-I
Viewing and Reporting Bay VRB-6-I
Toilet - Public, 4m2 WCPU-4-I
Triage Cubicle CUB-TRI-I
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